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Additional services include:
training and professional rides
coaching at horse shows
judging - USEF "r" license
horse sales
Please contact us for a price list.

Spring Haven Show Stables caters to hunter, jumper and equitation riders who are looking to succeed at the premier level of competition. Riding instruction balances flatwork, equitation, jumping exercises, and courses with the goal of creating a well-rounded rider. Lessons are offered for beginner to advanced students in a private or group setting, and lesson horses are available. Ship-ins are also welcome.
Innovative training techniques include:
private video-taped lessons
horse show video and photography analysis
trail ride or cross country course day trips
horsemanship session (horse care, what a judge looks for, the mental game of riding, conformation, etc.)
hosting and attending clinics
horse show day trips to Devon, Harrisburg, ect.

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